Whether you are an absolute beginner or want to develop your skill at any level, we can help.  To book lessons or find out more, email the centre manager, Lynne Hughes, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We can provide one-to-one teaching, or run sessions for small groups who have learnt the essential handling skills and want to move on to a new stage together.  We can also provide training and practice at advanced levels using a simulator.

Our charges are shown below.


We are open to the public from 2pm to 3pm every weekday when you can walk in, talk to someone about ringing, read our informative display panels, and enjoy one of our half hour experiences (see charges below) where we explain how change ringing works and give you an opportunity (if you want) to have a go at ringing a bell.  Experiences can be booked in advance.  Click here to check availability and make a booking.

The full process of learning takes much longer, and one of the attractions of bell ringing is that there is always more that you can learn.  The first stage is to master handling and controlling a bell.  Typically this can take about 6 hours of one-to-one tuition, but everyone learns at a different speed.  Don't worry about being a slow learner - we are here for as long as it takes.  Lessons are mainly on weekdays and a wide range of times are available.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

During teaching sessions the bells are not audible outside the church.  Ties are put on the clappers to stop the bells ringing.  In the ringing chamber a computer simulated sound can be heard at exactly the right moment when the bell should ring.  If a number of trainees are practising independently at the same time, the sound of an individual bell can be heard through headphones.

Once you can handle a bell safely without a teacher watching and helping all the time, you will be able to move on to group sessions or ringing with the simulator.  With a simulator and headphones there is no limit to the advanced techniques that can be practised.

The Bells of St Clement’s are available to those who want to come in groups to learn or practise.  These might be group visits from another church, with their own experienced ringers to supervise.  If you have come to Cambridge to study, your first port of call should be the Cambridge University Guild, which provides tuition for students of all ages at any of Cambridge’s universities or further education colleges.  Otherwise please contact us by email.

It is necessary to make a charge for all ringing and tuition to cover the manager’s salary, volunteers’ expenses, the running and maintenance costs of the bells and to make a contribution to the church’s costs.  The charges are as low as reasonably possible and we do not want to discourage anyone who genuinely wants to learn how to ring.  We also want to ensure that the standard of teaching is high as that can greatly affect the time it takes to become proficient and the enjoyment of learning.  Our teachers are expected to have a qualification from the Association of Ringing Teachers.  We will also be providing less experienced teachers with the opportunity to gain the qualification, but only under the watchful eye of someone who is already qualified.



Half hour  experiences Adult   £8.00  Child   £4.00 
One-to-one teaching
(3 hours total)
Adult £30.00 

Child or student £15.00 

Group sessions
(1 hour)

Adult   £5.00  Child or student   £2.50